"Tatrashrubindto Jaata Maharudraksh Vrikskshka
Mamaagyayaa Mahasen Sarvesham Hitkamyayaa
“Those tear drops which fell from my eyes gave birth to the Maharudraksha tree on my command for the benefit of all.”
– Lord Shiva, Shiv Puran
Rudraksha - The Divine Bead
Why Rudrashaktii?
Rudrashaktii is where true healing starts.
"Rudraksha Dharanascha Shreshta Na Kichadapi Vidyateh"
“Possessing a Rudraksha is the most auspicious thing in this world.”
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Find Rudrakshas Just For You

Rudraksha for Health & Well Being
Then you should definitely try a Rudraksha!
Rudraksha therapy is a proven age old, time-tested therapy that looks after the physical and mental well being of the wearer.
Rudraksha for Career & Business
Then you should definitely try a Rudraksha!
The mystical characteristics of Rudraksha help enhance businesses, advance careers and boost professional lives of the wearer.

Rudraksha for Wealth & Prosperity
Then you should definitely try a Rudraksha!
The divine virtues of Rudraksha are greatly revered among wearers for improving their financial health, wealth and prosperity.
Rudraksha for Personal Relationships
Then you should definitely try a Rudraksha!
The spiritual qualities of Rudraksha help rekindle affection, deepen understanding and foster appreciation in relationships.

I am satisfied!
I am in the construction business. While all others in the same business were having a good time, I was running a hurdle race. My projects were being stalled midway. I wore precious gems but did not find any considerable improvement until I visited Rudrashaktii’s Rudraksha Exhibition, where on taking recommendation, I was given the Divya Rudra Mala. After wearing this Mala, slowly my all stalled projects gained momentum. I am satisfied and have suggested many of my friends to visit Rudrashaktii Exhibition and benefit from it!
I visited a Rudrashaktii Exhibition for my husband.
My husband is a software engineer but seems to be under tremendous stress these days, due to fear of losing his job on the account of global recession and other external factors. I visited a Rudrashaktii exhibition. I found out that the worrying nature and lack of confidence of my husband were on account of the malefic effect of Mars and Moon. I was suggested a power combination of Rudraksha for my husband which I requested him to wear with utmost faith which he did. Today he is bubbling with confidence and is preparing to start his own business in case he loses his lucrative job.
I was undergoing tremendous stress…
I was undergoing tremendous stress as I had increased heavy losses in the share market. I had blocked all my savings including my personal borrowings from my family members. I was contemplating an extreme step. When my wife accidentally saw the advertisement of Rudrashaktii and suggested me to consult recommenders of Rudrashaktii. On doing so I was suggested that I am suffering from the malefic effect of Rahu. I was suggested the combination of Rudraksha to pacify the malefic effect of Rahu, which I promptly did. Now I am really glad that my blocked money is slowly releasing. Thanks to Rudrashaktii!
Genuine and rare Rudrakshas
Rudrashaktii is a trusted name for genuine and rare Rudrakshas!
I am very thankful to Rudrashaktii for giving me a patient hearing!
I am 60 years of age retired from a large public sector organization. I have been a child of destiny and seen more downs and ups in my life. I have survived three broken marriages and falsely implicated in a murder case of own nephew. I was fed up of answering the police queries and shun myself away from society. I tried many astrologers, started wearing gemstones, but to my dismay, there were no results. But neither did I get any reprieve from this grave situation nor did I get any peace of mind. After going through the article in the newspaper by Rudrashaktii, I sought a special appointment and discussed my problems with them.
I am wearing a power combination suggested by expert recommenders of Rudrashaktii. Not only did I get peace of mind but the constant fear of police trouble and false implication has subsided to a great extent. I am very thankful to Rudrashaktii for giving me a patient hearing in spite of their time constraint. I salute their commitment towards making others life more meaningful.
What I thought initially was a high price Rudraksha…
…turned out to be a big boon for me and I made money many folds!
I am a financial analyst. I wanted to have success in my career. I visited a Rudrashaktii exhibition and was surprised to find the different combination available there. On taking recommendation based on the date of birth, I was suggested a 14 Mukhi Rudraksha for helping in making the correct decision and enhancing my visualization power. I am glad today that what I thought initially was a high price Rudraksha had turned out to be a big boon for me and I made money many folds.